Wednesday, 10 June 2015

LO2-Permissions and Consent

All of the photographs I took were taken from a public footpath so that I would not need permission. I also took the picture during work ours so that the city centre would not be busy and would have less people walking through shots.

LO4- Showroom cinema screen rec

In this photo I have made everything black and white except for the plants, I did this in order to show the identity of Sheffield as being the 'Green City'. I used the quick celection tool to go around the plants and selected the inverse and clicked 'black and white in the options on the right.

LO4- St pauls tower screen rec
In this photo I have made everything but the tower a shade of green, this i to show how Sheffield is known as the green city and the tower is the newest most modern thing to be built in the cityand the fact that eberything but it is green shows this. In this photo I used the quick selection tool to go around the building, I then selected the inverse and clicked colour balance, I then changed the green slider and put it all the way to the right and the blue/cyan slider a little to the left.

LO2-Call sheet-Showroom Cinema

Lo2-Call sheet- Peace Grardens

LO2-Call sheet-Cathedral

LO2- Call sheet- St Pauls Tower

LO2- Call sheet - Lyceum

Idea changes

Since I did the sketches and the original post about my final ideas I have modified my idea slightly. I have insted decided to show contrast through the use of colour in my photos, so each of my photos will only include one photo instead of the previously planned two.

LO2- Sketches

Monday, 8 June 2015

LO5- methods of display

12 x 24 = £64
(Displayed on a Canvas)
12 x 16 = £51
(Displayed on a canvas)
12 x 16 = £51
(Displayed on a canvas)
12 x 16 = £51
(Displayed on a canvas)

Friday, 5 June 2015

LO4-Peace gardens screen recording

In this photo I have made everything black and white except for the reflection in the orbs, I did this in order to show how in everyday life people don't notice the little details but looking back they see things they didn't notice before. This is why the reflection in the orbs is the only thing in colour. In this photo I have used the magnetic lasso tool to go around the orbs, I then selected the inverse and clicked black and white.

LO4- Lyceum screen recording
In this photo I have made everything black and white except for the reds and greens on the lyceum building I have done this to show how theatre can differ between brigh and vibrant plays, to dark and serious ones. In this photo i used the quick selection tool to select the red and green parts on the building, I then clicked balck and white and changed the brightness  little.

LO5-Final Photos

Title: Peace Gardens
Description:In this Photo I have made it so that the only colour you can see is in the reflection from the balls. I did this to show that people only see the details in things when looking back at

Title: Cathedral
Description:In this photo I have made everything bu the cathedral darker and I have made the cathedral brighter. This could be seen to show how religious people view religion in comparison to modern life.

Title: Lyceum Theatre
Description: In this photo I have made everything but the brighter colours on the building black and white. I have done this to show how theaters are a brighter and more vibrant form of entrainment. And also to show how it can be dark and serious as well.
Title: St Paul's Tower
Description:In this photo I have made everything but the tower green, this is because Sheffield is known as the Green city and the most notable new building in the city is St Paul's tower and it is one of the most modern buildings in the city.

Title:Showroom Cinema
Description:In this photo I have made everything around the showroom cinema black and white except the plants on either side of the steps. I have done this to portray the fact that Sheffield is known as the Green city.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

LO4-Cathedral screen recording

In this photo the editing creates meaning because I have mae the cathedral itself brighter than the rest of the photo this cold show how some people see religion as what helps them get through hard times. In this photo I used the quick selection tool to go around the cathedral I then selcted the inverse and brought the brihtness down on the sky. I then went around the cathedral with the quick selection tool and brought thr brightness up on the cathedral.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

LO3 - Lesson Objectives

In order to complete the draft for friday I need to:

  • Go and take photos at both Bramall Lane and at Hillsborough
  • I also need to take the phtos at the millenium gallery and at the winter gardens
  • I also need to retake the photo at the Lyceum theatre and also at the cathedral
  • Edit the pictures that I already have.

Friday, 8 May 2015

LO3- Photographs and evaluation

Adobe Bridge

Setting up equipment

Practice photos evaluated
This photo was taken from too far away so when I actually go and take this photo I will take from closer. I will be doing this on 14/5/15
I think that this photo has too many people in it so when I take this photo I will have to time the photo right so it does not capture anyone in the centre of the photo.
I do not think that this photo works because all of the left side of the picture is taken up by a tree so I do not really like this one.
This photo was good apart from the fact that the building looks slightly slanted to one side, I want the building to be more centered so I can use more easily with the cathedral photo. 


Final Images                                                             

Summary: My final photos will all be combinations of two photos so each of the individual photos on its own doesn't really fit into the theme of identity until I edit it together with another photo (Peace Gardens Day/Peace gardens Night) I will edit the together in order to show some kind of contrast in each photo
Techniques: The shot type in this photo is a medium shot, and I have made the 3 orbs central in the picture, I will have to take the night variation of this photo from exactly the same spot however so as to capture the lights reflecting off of them. I may take this photo again because I want to use a shallow depth of field on this picture.
Composition and rule of thirds:In terms of the rule of thirds I have tried to position the orbs on the focal points in this photo so that when I edit this one together with the one I will take at night and the lights around the peace gardens reflect off of them. Putting the orbs on the focal points also makes the photo more balanced.
The settings I used were: aperture = f11.0 and shutter speed = 1/125, the ISO was 100.
Editing Ideas:
I was going to try and take this picture again form exacly the same spot but at night and then I would take the left half of one and the right half of the other and cut them together into one image, However this could be difficult to do since it only really get as dark as I need it to be when it is a lot later, so I may need to find an alternative to the night photo such as a negative effect on one half maybe? so one half would be in normal colours and the other would be in negative.

This photo will fit the theme once it is edited together with the photo of St Pauls Tower because it shows the scale of the buildings and the contrast between the old cathedral and the relatively new St Pauls Tower.
I have used a low angle for this picture in order to capture the scale of the cathedrals spire, I will also use this technique for the photo of St Pauls Tower.In terms of framing and rule of thirds The main body of the cathedral is positioned on the focal points so that it is the focus of the photo.
Composition and Rule of thirds:
The four corners of the main body of the cathedral have been positioned on the focal points in order to make it the focus of the photo, this will have to be recreated as close as posibble for the St Pauls Tower photo. The photo is balanced and I cannot think of any improvements other than to make sure the photo is in focus.
The settings I used were: Aperture = f9.0, there was also the shutter speed = 1/100, the ISO was 100.
Editing Ideas:
I may end up making either this photo or the St Pauls Tower photo brighter in comparison to the other one, in order to show cetain meanings about the two buildings in comparison to each other.

This photo would be edited alongside the photo of the cathedral to create the effect of old/new, Modern (St Pauls Tower), traditional (Cathedral).
I have taken this photo from a low angle, so as to capture the scale of the building and I have replicaed this effect for the photo of the cathedral..
Composition ad rule of thirds:
I may have to edit this photo so that it is balanced when edited along side the cathedrals spire although I don't know how I would do this in photoshop.
The aperture was f/11.0, and the shutter speed was 1/125. The ISO of this photo was 100.
Editing Ideas:
I planned to make the clouds in the sky look simaler to the ones in the cathedral photo, so as to make it seem more natural.

Summary:This photo will be edited so that everything except the plants a either side of the stairs will be in black and white to reinforce the idea of Sheffield being 'the green city'.
Techniques: This photo has been taken from low angle and in a wide shot, I did this in order to fit the plants into the picture.
Composition and Rule of thirds: In terms of rule of thirds I have tried to make the plants as central in the picture as possible while still having them in the photo.
Settings: The settings for this photo are: aperture f/10.0, This means that my photo is in focus in terms of foreground and background and ISO 100, this means that not too much light got to the sensor in the camera and made the photo overexposed and it also means that enough light got to the sensor so that it was not underexposed, the shutter speed was 1/100.
Editing Ideas: I will edit this photo so that everything except the plants will be in black and white.

Summary: This photo is of the Lyceum theatre and I will edit this photo so that only the brighter colours such as reds and greens will be in colour the rest of the photo will be in black and white.
Techniques: I took this photo in a wide shot so as to capture the entire building in my photo.
Composition and Rule of thirds: In this photo in terms of rule of thirds I have positioned the building on the focal points so that people automatically look at it.
Settings: In this photo the aperture was f/10.0, this is so that the right amount of light reaches the sensor in the camera and stops it from being under or over exposed. And the ISO was 100. The shutter speed was 1/100.
Editing ideas: For this photo I will edit it so that the only thing in colour will be the red parts of the building and he green part.

Summary: This picture is slightly different to the previous peace gardens photo because the people in the background of the picture are more central than before, as such I think that the other peace gardens photo may be better to use.
Techniques: This picture was taken from a wide angle, I did this so that I could fit the reflective orbs in so that I could achieve the final effect of having the reflection from the orbs in colour.
Composition and Rule of thirds: In this photo I have positioned the orbs on the focal points of the photo so that people notice the reflection in the orbs.
Settings: In this photo the aperture was f/11.0, this was so that the right amount of light reached the sensor in the camera so that it did not become too over or under exposed. The ISO was 100 this affects the sensitivity of the light sensor in the camera. The shutter speed was 1/125.
Editing Ideas: In this photo I will edit it so that everything is in black and white except for the orbs I will do this so that only the reflection is in colour.